Fee Charges Entry

Streamlining and managing financial transactions with expert precision.

Fee Charge Entry by Medical Billing Solutions

Fee Charge Entry Services

At Medical Billing Solutions, we understand that accurate and timely billing is crucial for your practice’s financial health. That’s why we offer comprehensive fee charge entry services, ensuring all your services are meticulously captured and translated into proper charges for billing.

What is Fee Charge Entry?

Fee charge entry is the initial step in the medical billing process.  It involves recording all the services provided to a patient during a visit.  This includes:

  • Detailed Service Descriptions: Our team meticulously captures a clear description of each service rendered by your healthcare providers.
  • Accurate Coding: We leverage our expertise to assign the appropriate CPT® codes for each service based on medical documentation.
  • Charge Capture: We translate the coded services into the corresponding charges based on your pre-defined fee schedule.

Why is Accurate Fee Charge Entry Important?

Accurate fee charge entry lays the foundation for successful medical billing. Here’s why:

  • Maximized Revenue: Capturing all services ensures you bill for everything you deserve, leading to maximized revenue.
  • Reduced Claim Denials: Clear and accurate information minimizes the risk of denials due to missing or incorrect charges.
  • Improved Cash Flow: Faster billing translates to faster payments and improved cash flow for your practice.
  • Enhanced Reporting: Accurate data allows for better reporting and analysis of your practice’s financial performance.

Medical Billing Solutions Streamlines Fee Charge Entry:

Our team utilizes advanced technology and efficient workflows to ensure accurate and timely fee charge entry.  We offer:

  • Seamless Integration: Our system easily integrates with your Electronic Health Record (EHR) for effortless data transfer.
  • Experienced Professionals: Our team understands medical terminology and coding practices, ensuring accurate charge capture.
  • Customizable Fee Schedules: We can accommodate your practice’s unique fee structure for various services.

Let Us Handle the Details, You Focus on Patient Care:

By outsourcing your fee charge entry to Medical Billing Solutions, you can experience:

  • Increased Revenue: Capture all your charges and maximize your reimbursements.
  • Reduced Administrative Burden: Free up your staff’s time for patient interaction and other crucial tasks.
  • Improved Operational Efficiency: Streamline your billing process with efficient fee charge entry.
  • Peace of Mind: Know that your charges are captured accurately and promptly.

Focus on providing exceptional care to your patients.  Medical Billing Solutions will handle the intricate details of fee charge entry.

Why Us?


Cover all specialties

Certified medical coders

30+ EHR/PM systems

Dedicated manager

Quick turn around time

Aggressive AR management

Insurance VOBS & PAS

Back-office support

Small & large practices

Data security & HIPAA

No long-term contracts

Customized Reporting

What our clients say

Our Clients Reviews

Mark Brooks
Dermatology Clinic Manager
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MBS is a lifesaver! I focus on patients now, thanks to their billing expertise and increased collections.
Alex Schneider
Physical Therapy Center CEO
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Switched to MBS a year ago - best decision ever. Streamlined billing, reduced errors, improved cash flow.
Jessica Smith
Family Practice
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Needed a reliable billing partner for our growing practice. MBS exceeded expectations. Customized solution, excellent communication.
Michael Thompson
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Medical Billing Solutions freed me from late-night paperwork. Their expertise boosted accuracy and lets me focus on patients. Highly recommended!
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